Common Questions About Mental Impairments From Social Security Judges

social security

What to Do If You Have Mental Impairments?

While most claims for Social Security disability revolve around physically limiting impairments, some claimants have mental impairments that can prove just as limiting. Social Security disability claimants with mental impairments will have to think about a slightly different set of issues than claimants with primarily physical impairments when filing their claim with the help of Hugh Field.

Most jobs, even sedentary jobs, have requirements that may be taxing to people with certain mental impairments.

At your hearing, the judge or Hugh Field will try to determine how well you can:

  • Remember and carry our instructions
  • Make your own judgment calls
  • Adapt to changes in a work setting
  • Deal with supervisors, co-workers, and the public
  • Handle stressful situations

Since every individual handles stress differently, you and Hugh Field will discuss how to talk about stress and what sorts of things you tend to find stressful in a work situation.

Working With Your Waterloo SSD Lawyer

If you have difficulty pinpointing exactly what you find stressful, try going through this list and identifying what is likely to be a source of stress for you.

  • Dealing with the public
  • Dealing with co-workers
  • Dealing with managers or supervisors
  • Completing tasks on time
  • Making significant decisions on your own
  • Handling complex tasks
  • Working within a set schedule
  • Dealing with criticism
  • Knowing that your work is being monitored and reviewed
  • Handling the monotony of routine
  • Getting up to go to work everyday
  • Getting up to go to work everyday
  • Fear of failure

Regardless of your reasons, if you want to file for Social Security disability, you should consult with Hugh Field as to how to handle your mental impairment.

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